Saturday 24 September 2016

Hi, I'm not dead!

I sort of forgot that I have this blog, sorry.

I have continued acquiring dolls and trying to sew for them. This latter pasttime varies in its results.

Since my last post here, the Tangkou dolls website has vanished, although the company can still be found on ebay. I suspect they have died a bit, which is sad. I liked them but I know they terrify some other doll people, and maybe that didn't work out in their favour.

Not dead is Tonner, who merged into Tonner One World, just about the time I was worrying about them a bit. (Endless sales, low-numbered editions not selling out, the Tonner Toys thing clearly not working out.) I hope they will stick around in this new form.

Anyway, I will try to remember that this blog exists.

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