Saturday 21 June 2014

But what if I don't love her?

I'm worrying a bit about whether or not I will love my Tangkou when she arrives. I mean what if I don't? Still, she wasn't horrifically expensive and I can always give her to someone as a present.

I see a lot of people saying they failed to "bond" with a doll, sometimes the dolls in question cost hundreds of pounds so I feel really bad for them. Even if they sell that doll on to someone else it still sucks for them.

It might just be that I have no concept yet of my Tangkou's "personality," and I'm waiting to see her in person before I choose a name for  her. One reason that Lemon is my One True Doll is that I knew what she'd be "like" before she arrived. She just sort of invented herself for me, and then the other Dals have, err, variations on the same personality. It's cool, they don't mind.

I get confused when people have kind, sweet Dals, because Lemon and her hatred of everything affects how I view all other Dals. If they don't look grumpy and hate-filled I generally don't like them all that much. That said, I've seen plenty of ungrumpy Dals who looked lovely and carefully-customised I just... don't see my Dals in that way.

And then my Byuls have a personality that is a reaction to the Dals. They go together nicely, or not "nicely" but really well somehow. I shall have to have a think about how my Tangkou is going to fit into this drama. I hope she isn't bland, Pullip herself always strikes me as bland. I'd have to really work at making a Pullip fit into the gang.

I don't sell stuff on ebay for all sorts of reasons, so selling dolls on isn't really an option for me. I am probably worrying about nothing. I hope I am. I don't have Buyer's Remorse or anything like that, I am glad I bought her, it's just that I don't know who she's going to "be" and while most of my dolls have no personality to speak of (a Barbie is a Barbie is a Barbie), my Pullip-adjacent dolls are the ones that have the most.

Well, we shall see what happens when she arrives. Fingers crossed!

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